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Europäische & Internationale Projekte

FP5, FP6, FP7 | FP6 Projects

Discovery Days
The aim of the project is to present the vision for the future operation of museums, science and thematic parks and to give to the wider puplic the opportunity to experience the new technological achievements during their visits in those places.
1/1/2007 - 31/12/2007
UNITE aims to combine different state-of-the-art technologies in eLearning, in order to provide innovative services in an area at the heart of Europe’s knowledge society: the education of the young Europeans. UNITE eLearning platform aims to bridge the gap between formal and informal learning settings, implement innovative eLearning scenarios, enhance learning experience and create a virtual Network of Schools; 14 schools from 10 European schools share their learning experiences and the platform becomes the medium through which schools work and interact with each other.
1/2/2006 - 31/7/2008
Rural Wings
Demonstrating the use of satellite DVB_RCS-based connectivity for the purposes of e-learning in rural areas in Europe and beyond, through a user-centred and scenario-oriented approach
1/1/2006 - 31/12/2009
Hand on & Brains on
The Hands-On & Brains-On project integrates the processes of teaching cognitive facts at school and learning how to make observations in science centres and museums. It thus reinforces the use of museums and science centres as innovative resources for teaching and learning that can offer specialist support and experience in science.
1/12/2005 - 30/11/2007
VEMUS stands for "Virtual European Music School" and is a project funded by the European Commission under the Information Society Technologies (IST) Programme of the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6). The VEMUS project started on October 2005 aiming to design, develop and evaluate a highly interactive music tuition framework for popular wind instruments and a set of innovative e-learning components addressing different learning settings.
1/10/2005 - 30/9/2008
The SKY WATCH project aims to introduce the European youth in the truly wondrous world of science and technology by engaging school and university students and young science amateurs in escalating, challenging and innovative multidisciplinary ‘Science Games’ combining creativity, intelligence and scientific quest. SKYWATCH introduces a pan-European Science Communication and Celebration Initiative, which will reach its peak during the European Science Week 2005, comprising two main interrelated events:(a) A two-phase European Science Contest (concluding to a central European Exhibition and a Best Projects Award Ceremony), and (b) series of popular science distance learning courses (16 ‘Science Days’ overall).
1/2/2005 - 31/1/2006
PENCIL (Permanent European Resource Centre for Informal Learning) combines field programmes and academic research with the aim of identifying the keys of success that transform informal science activities into innovative quality tools for science teaching. 14 science centres/museums are creating mini-networks involving schools, pupils, teachers associations, research laboratories, educational authorities, education and science communication specialists to run “pilot projects” on new ways to conduct science teaching.
1/10/2004 - 30/9/2007
Connect proposes to create a learning environment that combines effective informal learning strategies with exemplary formal curricular activities in an attractive learning environment that utilizes cutting edge information and communication technologies in science education, like Augmented Reality Technologies. Three sectors are of outmost importance: science, education and technology. CONNECT aims to combine science teaching in schools with science learning in science centers or museums with the aid of emerging technologies. The project creates a network of museums, science centres and schools across Europe, to develop, apply and evaluate learning schemes that builds on the strengths of formal and informal strategies.
2/2/2004 - 31/1/2007
School Foresight
The School Foresight Project aims to realize different visions for the intelligent school of tomorrow and to present the results and the scientific / technological achievements performed in the European Research Area which affect the learning process, methods, tools and the school as a physical entity.The School Foresight Project focuses on communicating and informing particularly school students about these scientific and technological achievements.
1/1/2004 - 30/11/2004


Ellinogermaniki Agogi
Abteilung Forschung & Entwicklung
Europäische & Internationale Projekte
Nationale Projekte
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