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Europäische & Internationale Projekte

Lifelong Learning Programme | Comenius (LLP)

E-STEP: Supporting Teachers' and Parents' Partnerships through Social Networking Technologies
E-STEP will set out to enforce teachers' and school managers' awareness, motivation, knowledge and skills that will enable them to strengthen parents' roles. This will be implemented by utilizing state-of-the-art ICT networking tools that will provide online facilities for: (1) Networking among schools, teachers and parents; (2) Training for teachers in order to acquire i) the necessary skills for collaboration and engagement of parents, ii) ICT digital skills in order to use social networking tools efficiently so as to engage parents; (3) Access to digital resources that will help teachers and parents' effective collaboration. The final output will be a specialized, modular training methodology and supportive materials for teachers around Europe on: a) How to support, engage and motivate parents to collaborate with schools via social networking tools. b) Developing strategies and initiatives that teachers and school managers could use to collaborate effectively with parents and to engage them in support of their children's learning at home and at school. c) Specific approaches for school leaders on how to support their teachers on designing and effectively implementing parental engagements activities. The consortium consists of partners in Greece, Ireland, UK, Bulgaria and Austria.
1/12/2013 - 1/12/2015
Quantum Spinoff
The Quantum Spinoff project aims to bring science teachers and their pupils in direct contact with research and entrepreneurship in the high-tech nano sector, with the goal of educating a new generation of scientifically literate European citizens and inspiring young people to choose for science and technology careers. Teams of pupils, guided by their science teachers, will be challenged to create a responsible and socially relevant valorisation of a scientific paper in collaboration with actual researchers and entrepreneurs. They will visit high-tech research labs and will compete for the European Quantum Spin-Off Prize. Scientific and technological insights, creativity and responsible entrepreneurship will be all taken into account by the jury of experts. Science teachers will be trained in international and national workshops to support the inquiry learning process of their pupils.
1/12/2013 - 30/11/2015
Universal Design for Learning: A Framework for Addressing Learner Variability [UDLnet]
Grounded on new research in neuroscience and the Design for All (D4All) principles, Universal Design for Learning (UDL) constitutes an educational approach that promotes access, participation and progress in the general curriculum for all learners. UDL recognizes the need to create opportunities for the inclusion of diverse learners through providing curricula and instructional activities that allow for multiple means of representation, expression, and engagement. In order to bridge the gap between policies and practice in applying UDL and to face the associated obstacles, the UDL Network (UDLnet) aspires to address the necessity of collecting and creating best practices under the framework of UDL from a wide range on the following four envisaged themes/focus groups: inclusive learning environments, accessible resources, teachers' and school leaders' competences, examination of barriers and identification of opportunities. In general, UDLnet aims to improve teachers¶ practice in all areas of their work, combining ICT skills with UDL-based innovations in pedagogy, curriculum, and institution organization. It is also aimed at in-service and pre- service teachers¶ use of ICT skills and resources to improve their teaching, to collaborate with colleagues, and perhaps ultimately to become innovation leaders in their institutions. In addition, it aims to train school leaders and other school staff about the ways they can adapt, personalize and select some of the existing, easy-to- use, and free-of-cost software tools that various organizations around Europe offer. The purpose of this is to set up tailor-made learning tools and lesson designs (at their institutional or regional level) and to interconnect these with existing infrastructures.
1/12/2013 - 30/11/2016
CREAT-IT project aims to develop and support teacher skills in science education by integrating creative, cultural disciplines and social media tools in science courses, engaging students to participate in collaborative, project and case three study based activities. CREAT-IT supports teachers in late primary and early secondary education by blending inquiry based learning methods with performance arts teaching practices focused in Science Theatre, Junior Science Cafes and Science Opera.
1/11/2013 - 31/10/2015
ΙGUANA focuses on modernising the school system, reducing school drop-out rates and ensuring that schools contribute effectively to making the EU µthe most competitive economy in the world¶. The key problem is resistance to change – or µstuckness¶ – defined as µa person, a family, or a wider social system enmeshed in a problem in persistent and repetitive ways, despite desire and effort to alter the situation¶. In order to address these issues, IGUANA focuses particularly on developing the Emotional Intelligence competences in schools, both at individual as well as at organizational level, that will help schools develop into positive holding environments, that are open to change and innovation. After developing an assessment framework for these competences, IGUANA will offer to stakeholders a training programme, which will be adaptable to various training needs.
1/12/2012 - 30/11/2014
Around the world, awareness is growing that we live on a planet with limited resources. The apparent µplanetary emergency¶ signals an educational crisis, among others, that demands new ways of thinking and calls for support to these key competences necessary for active citizenship and social cohesion, as well as a turn towards green professions. What is more, teachers may lack the necessary skills needed to enhance students¶ key reflective problem-solvers, and at the same time, students do not comprehend the applicability of science studies to future career choices, thus being hesitant towards green science studies and careers. GreeNET aims to correspond to this increasing recognition, through the development of an appropriate scheme for collecting and exchanging exceptional good practices and their respective tools in the area of environmental education and green careers counseling that exist in various EU countries, in accordance with the “Education and Training 2010” framework. Moreover, a European network of teachers shall be formed and motivated through specific educational actions, contests, and summer schools, to develop the competencies necessary in order to properly educate their students according to cutting-edge approaches in environmental education.
1/11/2012 - 31/10/2015
The aim of the project is to have a positive impact on the development of studentsΆ key competencies through building teachers capacity on competence oriented education. To achieve this, a pilot teachers training methodology will be developed on the didactics and e-assessment of key transversal competences, which could be adopted by interested stakeholders promoting educational change. The methods of the project are founded on a holistic view of students learning, personal and social development, going beyond subject boundaries and finding application in a wide spectrum of curriculum subjects. The TRANSIt approach contributes to the development of creativity, adaptation to the rapidly changing circumstances, intercultural and multilingual competences, social development, “learning to learn” competences and an improved perception of oneΆs own capacity to solve problems. The proposed project aims to add its contribution towards the improvement of the quality of competence education by improving a) teachersΆ awareness of key competences and b) teachersΆ professional skills regarding the didactics and e-assessment of the key competences with the use of ePortfolios, supporting them to bring European and national policies into practice. The impact of the training material will be assessed by authentic (nontraditional) assessment methods analysing qualitative dimensions, such as the behavioural change of teachers towards the importance of competence acquisition by their students, qualitative and quantitative characteristics of user-generated content uploaded in the e-portfolios. An effective training approach will directly contribute to designing such teaching and learning activities that may increase studentsΆ motivation and thereby supporting and enhancing the acquisition of transversal key competencies by all students, closely reflecting the aim of the LLP programme in terms of improving studentsΆ motivation to learn, and learning to learn skills.
1/11/2012 - 31/10/2014
PUMO-Educational Support for PUpils on the MOve
The increasing mobility of European citizens has led to a large number of pupils living and studying abroad. They have a need for continued 'homeland specific' studies in their native languages. The PUMO consortium considers that the person best placed to assist such pupils is likely to be a teacher from his 'home' school. The project aims to develop further solutions offering learning services for pupils abroad and produces a teacher-training program, which enables teachers to assist students living temporarily abroad. A minimum of 100 teachers will complete the course by the end of the project and minimum of the 300 teachers will be involved by the end of 2014/2015 academic year. The project will take action to ensure the creation of sustainable community of PUMO teachers and pupils in tight cooperation with schools, (local governments) and Community.
1/10/2012 - 30/9/2014
Prosociality Sports Club
The project intends to contribute to the creation of a learning environment proactive for the development of a new approach to reinforce the social competence, specifically in students at risk of marginalization to support their permanence in the formal education and their participation in the higher education. The Model of learning and teaching is defined as “prosocial”, being based on an educative style that involves the areas of the relationships of the School conceived as a Community. Prosociality is a theoretical frame, referred to the paradigm that promote the development of system of interpersonal interactions, such as co-operation or selflessness, centred on sharing a common and extrinsic interest, around which interpersonal interaction take place in order to contribute to achieving common educative goals. In this way, the project intends to explore the impact of different educative experiences involving the students in and out the scholar environment and involve all the actors who are in wide sense educators, without in same cases having the needed awareness.
1/10/2011 - 30/9/2013
The aim of the proposed project is to have a positive impact on the development of studentsΆ problem-solving competencies by promoting the use of inquiry and problem-based approaches to teaching. To achieve this, a training framework will be developed for training teachers how to create science lesson plans by not just providing exemplar solutions to problems that arise from everyday practice, but also enabling them to perceive effective lesson planning in relation to educational principles that may enhance studentsΆ problem-solving skills. Following the recommendations of the Rocard report on science education in Europe, the use of problem-based and inquiry-based approaches is important because they provide the means to increase studentsΆ interest and motivation. LD-skills is a pilot project that is funded by the European CommisionΆs Comenius Multilateral project programme. It has started on January 2011 and is expected to run for 2 years.
1/1/2011 - 31/12/2012
All teacher education programs require teacher candidates to have in-school practicum experiences. Placing student teachers in schools is not always easy, however, and it is getting harder. It thus becomes more difficult to find proper schools for the teacher candidates to practice teaching. SimAula will setup a virtual practicum in the form of a three-dimensional, online world adapted in the context of teaching-learning in a school. Both active teachers and teachers-to be will interact with avatars, develop lesson plans, and teach in the virtual classrooms. SimAula will take advantage of serious games technology to make the learning scenario engaging and interesting for the student. Via simulations, teachers will practice their teaching and classroom management skills within a fun and safe educational game environment. SimAula output will be a training platform that will empower universities and schools with a very innovative simulation system that will enable them to enhance the teaching abilities of their students though result-driven classroom practices. EA will validate the platform and provide feedback to the simulation designers.
1/11/2010 - 31/10/2012
Entrepreneurship Education and the World of Work
The network “Entrepreneurship Education and the World of Work” (EE&WOW) combines the dimensions of entrepreneurial spirit, career management skills and transition to WOW with the value of networks, policies and governance for EE&WOW under educational, employment and social perspectives. The outcomes of the network will be clear focused recommendations for “Dos and DonΆts” concerning the issues of the network. These recommendations are addressed to practitioners in working areas like school, supporting institutions, social partners, as well as to stakeholders, policy makers local, regional, national authorities and on European level. Output, results and products of the network will support practitioners in school and entrepreneurship education to improve pedagogical performance, to help young people to develop competences concerning career management skills, key competences, and entrepreneurial spirit as a base for successful pathways from education to the world of work.
1/10/2010 - 30/9/2013
UniSchooLabS promotes the collaboration between universities and schools by providing remote access to science laboratories for primary and secondary education through internet-based services and mobile learning devices. The UniSchooLabS platform allows the control of experimental equipment online with just a common web browser. Users can use telecommunications to remotely conduct real experiments, at the physical location of the operating technology, while they are on a different geographical location. During the lifetime of the project the UniSchooLabS toolkit was successfully tested in more than 10 schools in Germany, Greece and Italy.
1/10/2010 - 30/9/2012
The aim of the project is to enable computer science teachers in secondary education to exploit modern educational programming languages in the context of student-centred pedagogical settings in order to contribute to making courses effective, creative and attractive. It will develop appropriate curricula, collect and adapt the most appropriate education programming language environments, develop teachers' training material and students' training material and test it in the context of appropriate training scenarios.
1/10/2009 - 30/9/2011
It is a collaborative European project funded by the Comenius programme and focused on improving the in-service training of school teachers and school ICT staff on topics related to the organisation, sharing, use and re-use of digital learning resources that can be accessed online through learning repositories across Europe. In general, the project aims to improve teachersΆ practice in all areas of their work, combining ICT skills with innovations in pedagogy, curriculum, and school organization. It is also aims at teachersΆ use of ICT skills and resources to improve their teaching, to collaborate with colleagues, and perhaps ultimately to become innovation leaders in their institutions.
1/11/2008 - 31/10/2010
CarCouIT : Career Counsellors Interactive Training
Το έργο “ CarCouIT - Career Counselors Interactive Training” απευθύνεται σε Συμβούλους Σταδιοδρομίας και εκπαιδευτικούς, που παρέχουν υπηρεσίες αγωγής σταδιοδρομίας στο χώρο του σχολείου και ενδιαφέρονται για τη συνεχή προσωπική τους ανάπτυξη και βελτίωση των δεξιοτήτων τους. Το έργο δίνει ιδιαίτερη έμφαση στη βιωματική εκπαίδευση συμβούλων σε θέματα προσωπικής και κοινωνικής ανάπτυξης, στη βελτίωση τεχνικών και στην ανάπτυξη συνδέσμων των συμβούλων με την αγορά εργασίας, ώστε να είναι ενήμεροι των αναγκών της αγοράς εργασίας. Οι δραστηριότητες και τα εκπαιδευτικά σεμινάρια που αναπτύσσονται στα πλαίσια του έργου, χαρακτηρίζονται από ευελιξία, ώστε να είναι δυνατή η προσαρμογή τους σε όλους τους χώρες της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης.
1/12/2007 - 30/11/2009
WOW : From School to the world of work
The central aim of the network “School and the world of work” was to contribute to the improvement of policies, strategies, structures and processes in Europe, to give all young people a chance for a successful pathway from school education to the world of work and employment. The main approach of the Comenius network “School and the World of Work” was, that the best way to fight against youth unemployment was to improve proactive processes at all interfaces between school and the “World of work”.
1/10/2007 - 30/9/2010


Ellinogermaniki Agogi
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Europäische & Internationale Projekte
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