The PEEP Project is an ongoing programme which aims to provide a policy on how electronic portfolios can best be used by European educators. In the modern world demands on educators are shifting. In order to compete with the best in the world Europe's educators need to take part in life-long learning, constantly improving their knowledge and skills. Policies are needed to guide educators through these new and varied demands. The PEEP Project will create one such policy. A policy outlining a common EU e-portfolio system for educators will describe the most effective way for anyone teaching to use an e-portfolio as evidence of their lifelong learning whether that be through formal academic qualifications, informally through self-reflection, digitised evidence or practice they have developed in the class room. Intertwined with this life-long learning is the concept of continuous professional development or CPD. In many countries it is a legal requirement that teachers take part in some kind of CPD, therefore the PEEP project will also develop policy on how an electronic portfolio can best be used in this area as well. Through the synthesis of these two strands the PEEP project will create a policy that can guide educators and developers in future to make the best decision about the integration of technology, life-long learning and CPD. 1/3/2013 - 30/4/2014
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