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Europäische & Internationale Projekte

Horizon Europe

The FAITH project will develop and validate a human-centric and trustworthy ecosystem in which potential threats related to the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in important sectors of daily life such as education, public transport, media, public health, etc., will be identified and their risk will be assessed. Accordingly, specific methods will be proposed, and actions will be taken to address the threats arising from the use of AI in the aforementioned sectors.
1/1/2024 - 31/12/2027
SUNRISE: Sustainable Interventions and Healthy Behaviours for Adolescent Primary Prevention of Cancer with Digital Tools
SUNRISE co-creates and evaluates an innovative digitally-enhanced life-skills programme for primary prevention of cancer through sustainable health behaviour change in adolescents, tailored to socio-economic, cultural and environmental diversities. SUNRISE combines an established, evidence-based digital solution for smoking prevention, with novel intervention approaches such as peer social media campaigns, advertising literacy training, educational games, and social robot platforms. The digitally-enhanced programme and its components are developed through co-creation with schools-as-living-labs methods involving multiple societal actors such as educators, adolescents, parents, public health experts, and policy-makers.
1/1/2024 - 30/4/2028
Pro-Coast: PROactive approach for COmmunities to enAble Societal Transformation
The vision of PRO-COAST is to stimulate and empower local communities and civil society in general, to support restoration and maintenance of biodiversity and ecosystem services across Europe, and thus to involve them more actively in environmental governance. To achieve this, PRO-COAST will gather and synthesise knowledge to contribute to informed citizen decisions and improve co-participation in community decision making, while integrating local knowledge into policy making. The project assumes a holistic approach that combines the inherent worth and importance of biodiversity and ecosystem services, emphasising noting their inherent rights and existence independent of human utility, and the tangible benefits people can derive, such as increased livelihood opportunities and improved quality of life.
1/11/2023 - 31/10/2026
CLEVERFOOD will facilitate a society-wide mobilisation of European citizens, including children and youth, farmers, entrepreneurs, investors, researchers, educators, knowledge brokers and policy makers to transform the European food system in alignment with the EU Food 2030 Policy Framework, Farm to Fork Strategy and Fit for 55 Package. By providing targeted support for ongoing and emerging projects, partnerships and networks, implementing a pan-European Food 2030 multi-actor and public engagement mechanism and operationalizing an interlinked multi-level structure of connected Policy Labs and Living Labs, CLEVERFOOD will pave the way for a more regenerative, resilient and plant-based food system.
1/1/2023 - 31/12/2026
Our vision is to demonstrate effective embedding of citizen science in initiatives seeking societal transformation for sustainable marine and freshwater ecosystems. OTTERS wishes to not only generate data but through citizen science also contribute to changing hearts, increasing care for marine and freshwater ecosystems and fostering a sense of agency, leading to the contribution of healthy ecosystems to human wellbeing.
1/1/2023 - 30/6/2025
STEAM Learning Ecologies (SLEs)
The STEAM Learning Ecologies (SLEs) project develops engaging open schooling-enabled science learning paths for all in learning continuums of formal and informal learning environments and enterprises, founded on the concept of local partnerships in the form of interconnected knowledge ecosystems: within them, all relevant actors (formal, non-formal and informal education providers, enterprises, the civil society) come together and take initiative and central roles to foster improved science education for learners of all ages.
1/1/2023 - 31/12/2025
NBS EduWORLD project aims to nurture a Nature-Based Solutions literate society, supporting a just transition to a sustainable future. For this, NBS EduWORLD will create an NBS community that facilitates synergies between NBS professionals and education providers and ensures free and easy access to NBS knowledge and resources for all. One of the objectives of the project is to integrate Nature-Based Solutions in the educational process following a participatory and holistic approach that involves both the school and the local community by setting up schools as living labs thus introducing creative thinking and innovation in school education and developing students' green competences.
1/9/2022 - 31/8/2025
Developing a STEAM Roadmap for Science Education in Horizon Europe (Road-STEAMer)
The Road-STEAMer project develops a STEAM roadmap for science education in Horizon Europe, i.e. a plan of action that will provide guidance to EU’s key funding programme for research and innovation on how to encourage more interest in STEM through the use of artistic approaches involving creative thinking and applied arts (the “A” in ‘STEAM’), and thus enable integrated science learning approaches and stronger connections between school education, higher education, informal and non-formal science education, and the world of business.
1/9/2022 - 31/8/2025


Ellinogermaniki Agogi
Abteilung Forschung & Entwicklung
Europäische & Internationale Projekte
Nationale Projekte
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Τη σχολική χρονιά 2006-07 λειτούργησε στην Παλλήνη ένα υπερσύγχρονο και υψηλών προδιαγραφών σχολικό συγκρότημα για όλες τις βαθμίδες εκπαίδευσης.
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FIT 1 και FIT 2
του Ινστιτούτου Goethe στην Ελληνογερμανική Αγωγή.