The project “In the Lab of Tomorrow” (InLot) aims at investigating the feasibility of a successful and innovative service for science teaching and learning as a business case. The proposed project aims at investigating the feasibility of the business case of the use of wearable computers and wireless technologies and sensors for educational purposes. The project aims at the feasibility of a world wide service, which has been partially introduced in European level in the framework of a very successfully implemented project, namely the FP5 Lab of Tomorrow project. 1/6/2007 - 30/11/2008
E-COMODE aims at providing with a digital and collaborative learning environment, in order to simplify the procedure of learning and modeling of concepts in secondary education environments. An additional aim of the project is to explore the potential markets that would be interested in both using and purchasing such a collaborative modeling environment. 1/4/2005 - 30/9/2006
The Discovery Space (D-Space) project contributes to the access to and sharing of advanced tools, services and learning resources not only between schools but also among science parks and research centers. The project aims at the deployment of a virtual science thematic park that will bring to students, teachers, researchers and individuals (amateur astronomers, visitors of science parks) all around the world the opportunity to use a network of remotely controlled robotic telescopes in real time giving in order to observe our solar system, stars, galaxies, comets and many more objects and phenomena. 1/3/2003 - 28/2/2007
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Βιβλία για τον ΟΕΔΒ
Τα βιβλία του Υπουργείου Παιδείας για το μάθημα της Φυσικής Ε' και Στ' Δημοτικού και Γερμανικών για το Γυμνάσιο είναι έργο των καθηγητών της Ελληνογερμανικής Αγωγής. συνέχεια
Τη σχολική χρονιά 2006-07 λειτούργησε στην Παλλήνη ένα υπερσύγχρονο και υψηλών προδιαγραφών σχολικό συγκρότημα για όλες τις βαθμίδες εκπαίδευσης. συνέχεια
Εξετάσεις γερμανικής γλώσσας
Διεξαγωγή εξετάσεων FIT 1 και FIT 2 του Ινστιτούτου Goethe στην Ελληνογερμανική Αγωγή. συνέχεια