Every year our school programmes and organises a series of activities and events for all its students, from the nursery and kindergarten to senior high school. These aim at the multifaceted and balanced development of students' personality. Educational walks, theatrical performances and cinema, excursions, sports meetings, discussions with personalities, art exhibitions, speeches, European programmes, all these are just some of the features of our school programme, which every year are presented in our magazines "You and We" and "Image". Those who lived the moments have the opportunity to recall memories, while all the rest have the opportunity, browsing these pages, to realise that school is not only lesson in the classroom, and that learning education cannot be a 'dry', rote process.
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Schoolbooks for the Ministry
Teachers of Ellinogermaniki Agogi have authored the official schoolbooks for Science in the 5th and 6th Grade of Primary School, and for German in High School. συνέχεια
In school year 2006-2007, state-of-the-art, high-standard new school premises for all levels of education started their operation in Pallini. συνέχεια
Εξετάσεις γερμανικής γλώσσας
Διεξαγωγή εξετάσεων FIT 1 και FIT 2 του Ινστιτούτου Goethe στην Ελληνογερμανική Αγωγή. συνέχεια