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European & International Projects

FP5, FP6, FP7 | FP7 Projects

Ark of Inquiry
Science inquiry activities will be the basis of the newly launched EU-funded project “Ark of Inquiry”, which is oriented towards raising science awareness, particularly that of youth aged 7 to 18, to Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). A framework and platform to identify activities for the promotion of science and scientific reasoning will be elaborated. Here, science inquiry activities can be collected and made available to train 1,100 science teachers and have 23,000 European students participate in these inquiry activities during a 4-year period. Within a pedagogical approach, the EU project 'Ark of Inquiry' is focused on contributing to designing science for society, that is elaborating a culture of “doing” science through the use of a student-centered method of education anchored on asking questions.
1/3/2014 - 28/2/2018
RRI Tools aimso foster Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in Europe with a view to a harmonious and efficient relationship between science and European society.RRI is a process where all societal actors (researchers, citizens, policy makers, business) work together during the whole research and innovation (R&I) process in order to align its outcomes to the values, needs and expectations of European society. The RRI Tools project has a budget of 7 million Euros and counts with the collaboration of 26 institutions reaching 30 countries all over Europe. It will develop an innovative and creative set of tools comprising practical digital resources and actions aimed at raising awareness, training, disseminating and implementing RRI.
1/1/2014 - 31/12/2017
The C2Learn project introduces an innovative digital gaming and social networking environment incorporating diverse tools, the use of which can foster co-creativity in learning processes in the context of both formal and informal educational settings. The project advances our current understanding of creativity and digital games in education and provides young learners and their teachers with innovative opportunities for creative learning.
1/11/2012 - 31/10/2015
The Go-Lab (Global Online Science Labs for Inquiry Learning at School) is a European project uniting 19 organisations in research and education from 12 countries. Go-Lab focuses on providing access to online, remote and virtual laboratories as well as scientific datasets in order to enrich the classroom experience in schools and also to facilitate the development of innovative science learning activities. The overall aim of the project is to offer students from 8 to 18 years old opportunities to use online virtual experimentations, remote laboratories and datasets, inspire them in conducting experiments by themselves and consequently deepen their understanding in sciences.
1/11/2012 - 31/10/2016
Creative Little Scientists
The Creative Little Scientists project constitutes a timely contribution to a better understanding, at the European level, of the potential available on the common ground that science and mathematics education in pre-school and early primary school (up to the age of 8) can share with creativity. Τhe project proposes guidelines, curricula and exemplary materials for relevant teacher training in the various European contexts. To achieve these, the Creative Little Scientists project brings together a consortium comprising expertise of the highest level and quality in the areas of science and mathematics education in early childhood, creativity in education, cognitive psychology, comparative educational studies, and teacher training. This consortium carries out research in a sample of nine European countries (Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Malta, Portugal, Romania, and the UK) which have been selected to represent a wide spectrum of educational, economic, social and cultural contexts.
1/10/2011 - 31/3/2014
Odysseus is a European project, co‐founded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme, in the Space theme for ”Studies and events in support of European Space Policy”. The Odysseus project aimed exactly at engaging and inspiring the European youth in the “New Frontier”, by implementing a pan‐European Scientific Contest for young people on Space exploration themes, combining creativity, intelligence and innovation. The project integrated ongoing educational activities on science in a pan‐European perspective, providing the opportunity for young pupils to compete with their peers from different European countries. Overall 450 students and 120 teachers around Europe participated forming 118 teams which submitted an equal number of entries to the contest.
1/10/2011 - 30/4/2013
Discover the COSMOS
The Discover the COSMOS coordination action aims to demonstrate innovative ways to involve teachers and students in eScience through the use of existing e-infrastructures in order to spark young people's interest in science and in following scientific careers. It aims to support policy development by: a) demonstrating effective community building between researchers, teachers and students and empowering the latter to use, share and exploit the collective power of unique scientific resources (research facilities, scientific instruments, advanced ICT tools, simulation and visualisation applications and scientific databases) in meaningful educational activities, that promote inquiry-based learning and appreciation of how science works b) demonstrating effective integration of science education with e-infrastructures through a monitored-for-impact use of eScience activities, which will provide feedback for the take-up of such interventions at large scale in Europe and c) documenting the whole process through the development of a roadmap that will include guidelines for the design and implementation of effective educational and outreach activities that could act as a reference to be adapted for stakeholders in both scientific research outreach and science education policy.
1/9/2011 - 31/8/2013
The “PATHWAY” project aspires to contribute towards the improvement of the quality of science teaching by following the recommendations of the EU Rocard report "Science Education Now: A renewed Pedagogy for the Future of Europe" and setting the pathway towards a more widely uptake of inquiry-based science education. To achieve this aim the project brings together and mobilises experts in the field of science education research and technology enhanced science education, scientists and researchers involved in pioneering scientific experiments, teacher communities, policy makers and curriculum developers.
1/1/2011 - 31/12/2013
The SciCafé project aims to facilitate and enrich networking, exchange of best practices, and cooperation between European Science Cafés in physical and virtual space (including a virtual Science Café in the 3D world of Second Life), thus promoting the public understanding of science and public debate on scientific issues at the local level.
1/9/2009 - 31/8/2012


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Schoolbooks for the Ministry
Teachers of Ellinogermaniki Agogi have authored the official schoolbooks for Science in the 5th and 6th Grade of Primary School, and for German in High School.
In school year 2006-2007, state-of-the-art, high-standard new school premises for all levels of education started their operation in Pallini.
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του Ινστιτούτου Goethe στην Ελληνογερμανική Αγωγή.