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European & International Projects

Erasmus + | KA2

SoundScapes proposes an innovative STEAM approach with an emphasis on Arts, where students design and use a sonification environment, which converts numeric data (related to school curricula) into sound. This approach aims to increase student engagement and motivation and to promote an inclusive environment where they learn through exploring the hearing sense, communicate and connect with each other through the universal language that is Music. SoundScapes develops a prototype to be replicated by the students and develop a manual guide for anyone interested to implement educational activities based on the project.
31/12/2023 - 30/1/2026
Open Teach C-Hub
The Open Teach C-Hub project promotes Open Educational Practices and Resources and empowers teachers to become instructional designers of learning content, through collaboration. A systematic creation of high-quality educational resources – OERs more specifically – is key for allowing for an adaptive and personalized approach to the standard curriculum. In the scope of the Open Teach C-Hub project, a collaboration and OER quality assurance framework will be developed and implemented in the Open Teach ecosystem. Training materials and events will support teachers to co-design, co-create and co-evaluate lesson plans and resources using learner-centred and inclusive learning approaches. Community building activities will expand the Community of Teachers sharing expertise and collaborating to create high quality OER.
1/10/2023 - 30/9/2026
EXPLORE - EXpeditionary Program for Learning OppoRtunities in analog space Exploration
The project invites students to participate in activities that simulate Moon or Mars environments, providing a hands-on experience of international space missions. The EXPLORE kit, specifically developed for this project, will encourage students to embrace their inner explorer and embark on a simulated mission to Mars. The kit will be integrated into formal educational settings, empowering educators to deliver STEAM-related content through innovative methodologies. The project will provide comprehensive training and support for educators to integrate the kit into their curricula and involve their classrooms in preparing for these captivating missions.
1/9/2023 - 31/8/2026
StAnD - StudenTs As plaNetary Defenders
The 36-month project brings the exciting subject of asteroids, comets, meteors and meteorites to the classroom using carefully prepared activities and experiments. The partners involved have joined their expertise in each one of these themes to design an integrated approach that will allow students to follow the journey of these cosmic visitors from the depths of space to our planet. StAnD will introduce a new trend of activities engaging students in their STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) curriculum. StAnD will produce a kit that will encourage students to work collaboratively and will engage them in the fields of science and technology, and enhance their interest in the STEM fields.
1/9/2023 - 31/8/2026
FSP - FoodSHIFT Pathways
The project will develop a learning ecosystem where students encounter innovative learning experiences and be supported by scientists, in ways that could lead to future opportunities in academic, professional, and civic realms. It will a) produce interactive digital resources on sustainable Food and Nutrition Systems, b) provide an effective training programme for school communities and c) develop a validation framework testing students sustainability citizenship and dedication to healthy lives.
1/9/2022 - 31/8/2025
SAFE FUTURE: Staying Active and Safe for our future in Mobility
SAFE FUTURE project is Erasmus+ KA2 project undertaken by eight organizations from Greece, Spain, Italy, and Hungary, supported by the Road Safety Institute (R.S.I.) 'Panos Mylonas'. By fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange among these organizations, the project aims to create a network of strong partnerships dedicated to promoting road safety, traffic education, and sustainable mobility. Through the implementation of innovative practices and the sharing of resources, the project seeks to inspire positive mindset and behavior change among the younger generation, ultimately leading to safer and more sustainable mobility practices. Aligned with the EU road safety policy framework and EU values, the SAFE FUTURE project aspires to contribute to the advancement of road safety and the enhancement of education systems.
1/9/2022 - 31/8/2024
LeDS strives to deliver a holistic learning journey for students by blending students’ artistic abilities with crucial technological, social and emotional skills. Through tasks such as programming suits, mastering video mapping, and orchestrating special effects, students unintentionally delve into various concepts and disciplines, spanning from mathematics and physics to computational thinking and more. The LeDS toolkit was created to aid students and educators in crafting digitally enhanced performances through STEAM, focusing on electronics and programming by manipulating sound, light, and movement in performance suits.
1/5/2022 - 30/11/2023
Distance learning positification: technostress relief and wellbeing (POSITIVE LEARN)
The pandemic has led to accelerating digital transformation in schools. It thus becomes imperative to move beyond the traditional, transactional understandings of the teacher–learner relationship, to design for motivation, engagement, positive emotions and well-being in digital learning experiences, to decrease mental illness (e.g. stress, depression and anxiety) and help students and teachers develop their full potential. The main goal of the project is to provide instruments for teachers to create positive views, emotions, and atmospheres when transforming school education and recovering from the crisis. The project addresses the main emotional challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic by applying a positive computing/psychology approach beyond technological/digital solutions.
28/2/2022 - 27/2/2025
SEISMOLAB: Creating School Seismology Labs For the Development of Students’ Competences
Το Τμήμα Έρευνας και Ανάπτυξης της Ελληνογερμανικής Αγωγής σε συνεργασία με το Γεωδυναμικό Ινστιτούτο του Αστεροσκοπείου Αθηνών είναι επικεφαλής του έργου SEISMO – Lab, το οποίο χρηματοδοτείται από το πρόγραμμα Erasmus+. Στο πρόγραμμα SEISMO – Lab, συμμετέχει κοινοπραξία εκπαιδευτικών ιδρυμάτων από χώρες με σημαντική σεισμική δραστηριότητα, πιο συγκεκριμένα οι χώρες αυτές είναι: Ελλάδα, Ιταλία, Κύπρος, Ρουμανία και Τουρκία. Το έργο SEISMO – Lab στοχεύει στη δημιουργία ενός συνόλου συμμετοχικών, διεπιστημονικών εκπαιδευτικών σεναρίων που υποστηρίζουν τους μαθητές στη βελτίωση των δεξιοτήτων επίλυσης προβλημάτων, της δημιουργικότητάς τους και προωθούν μια στάση μάθησης με πράξη.
28/2/2022 - 27/5/2024
AMASE - Advanced Materials Science for Advanced STEM Education
AMASE wants to support teachers to bridge the gap between advanced technologies in the real world and STEM education in the classroom for students from 12-18 years old. It wants to enable the students to transfer STEM knowledge from the classroom into the real world of scientific research & technology and vice versa and hence enhancing the motivation of students for choosing STEM related subjects. This way students get insight in the real world of advanced research and its applications including 21st century challenges like sustainability, eliminating pollution, combating diseases. Moreover, the project plans to build long lasting relationships between researchers and educators that can be easily expanded to other scientific fields.
1/2/2022 - 31/1/2025
Up2DigiSchool - A viable pedagogical approach for digital school education based on the experience of Up2U
The project aims at improving the current situation in digital education in Europe. Based on the teachers’ needs recognized in the previous Up2U project and on existing solutions that address the needs, this project will directly help schools and teachers by providing up-to-date digital tools integrated at the Up2Digischool Learning platform corresponding to the evolving needs of schools, a professional teacher training program “Digital School Ready Educator” and a Self-Paced MOOC on “Approaches to Digital Learning” as an open learning opportunity promoting innovative teaching practices.
1/2/2022 - 31/1/2025
CLiCPoLiT - Climate Action and Light Pollution Threat
The goal of the project is to engage students and the society in environmental and climate change activities to raise awareness and strengthen responsible citizenship. Incorporating the terms of climate change, urban sustainability and light pollution into the curriculum requires systemic thinking and interdisciplinary approaches, demanding in parallel for pedagogical innovations that provide interactive, experiential, transformative, and real-world learning. In light of these challenges, the CliC-PoLiT project aims to design, implement, and evaluate blended innovative educational approaches and digital tools that provide interactive, experiential, transformative, and real-world learning, towards a specific issue.
1/11/2021 - 31/10/2024
Discovery Trail
The Discovery Trail project brings together specialists from different disciplines (educational psychology, education, ecology, digital technologies) and countries (Estonia, Finland, Greece, Austria) that help to widen the scope of information and knowledge sharing towards Environmental Education. Thus, the project aims to facilitate knowledge on how individuals’ understanding of complex environmental topics develop (e.g. biodiversity, climate change) and how knowledge development can best be supported by using the digital outdoor learning tool Avastusrada (www.avastusrada.ee/en). The application Avastusrada allows quick testing of the design and applicability of different tasks and evaluating their effectiveness on learning performance under different biodiversity topics and overall, Environmental Education.
1/11/2021 - 31/10/2024
Co-MAP - Collaborative, Community Mapping of Young People’s Learning Experiences During COVID-19
Τhe main emphasis of all education policy effort in the EU has been inclusion. Covid-19 has created an unprecedented threat to this ambition illuminating existing inequalities and creating new vulnerabilities as communities struggle to cope with sudden, unprecedented changes to economic and social life. UNESCO have identified wide-ranging, adverse educational, social, health and economic consequences for children, parents and teachers including ‘confusion and stress for teachers’, and the unpreparedness of parents for distance and home schooling.
30/6/2021 - 29/6/2023
LaSciL: Large Scientific Infrastructures enriching online and digital Learning
The "LaSciL" project, identifying the difficulties encountered by teachers and recognizing the under-representation of astronomy in the curricula of European countries, tries to integrate astronomy and robotic telescopes in school education using online learning tools. Students from all over Greece and other European countries have the opportunity to use a network of robotic telescopes, which includes the Observatory of Ellinogermaniki Agogi, the Skinakas Observatory and 21 robotic telescopes that belong to the "Faulkes Telescope Project". Teachers and students are connected live to large robotic telescopes in distant countries, making their own astronomical observations, processing the images they receive and drawing conclusions about celestial objects.
30/6/2021 - 29/6/2023
Digi-Science aims to prepare teachers to deliver effective science education courses to their students, within online/distance and blended settings, mainly through online experimentation and the use of virtual and remote science labs integrated within a concrete educational framework that is designed to foster the development of students¶ skills while addressing equity, diversity and inclusion challenges. To achieve its objectives the project will produce i) the Digi-Science Teachers' Online Workroom - a digital infrastructure for teachers through which they will have access to a dedicated educational framework, resources and materials for the effective use of ICT tools and for setting up an inclusive teaching learning environment to implement online, blended and distance learning, ii) a set of 20 ICT-rich science activities for primary and secondary education that focus on online science experimentation, iii) a set of 20 short-videos including demonstrations, guidelines and examples to support the implementation of online experimentation and iv) a Self-Assessment Tool for teachers and students focusing on the development of their digital competences, particularly the collaborative dimension.
1/6/2021 - 31/5/2023
Playing with Protons Goes Digital
The 'Playing with Protons Goes Digital' project responded to the global disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in education. Focused on enhancing science learning experiences, the project explored the use of augmented reality (AR) technologies to create engaging and resilient hybrid STEAM learning environments. The initiative envisioned digitally-ready schools as open innovation hubs, integrating both formal and informal science education experiences. Involving an international consortium, the project aimed to empower primary and secondary school teachers with an integrated AR toolkit, fostering creativity-enhanced, inquiry-based science teaching. The approach emphasized teacher digital leadership and resilience, catering to the cultural and environmental contexts of diverse settings.
1/6/2021 - 30/11/2023
In Spring 2020, schools around Europe closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Research reports published during this time identified several issues experienced by teachers during the rapid move to online teaching. A survey of 720 Irish, second-level teachers conducted by the TCD team reported that students’ engagement with education decreased significantly during this time. The findings also highlight an associated decline in teaching and learning practices that focus on the development of key skills and competences such as collaboration and communication. Stemming from these research findings, the purpose of this project is to empower teachers to develop pedagogical competences for establishing effective and engaging learning experiences in a digital space, whether as part of a blended experience or wholly online.
1/5/2021 - 30/4/2023
The Design-CT project supported teachers of all grade levels and digital competences profiles become creators and designers of their own digital and blended learning lessons. The Design-CT ecosystem offers a smart authoring tool supported with integrated didactical kits including, pedagogical templates, learning scenarios, apps, tools and resources to help teachers easily create their digital lessons and activities. The ecosystem offers design support and recommends learning content, so that teachers focus their time and effort on what they do best… guide their students’ learning journey.
1/4/2021 - 31/7/2023
The re-engineer of e-learning procedures to effectively protect students’ personal Data (e-Privacing)
The project plans to encourage the use of digital means in the educational system of EU countries while suggesting a holistic approach to protecting personal data. The main goal is to create a roadmap for GDPR-compliant technological solutions in the field of digital education and train the users of these platforms to respect the EU privacy legislation and avoid data breaches. The project's main scope is not to identify the technological security gaps of the platforms, but to underline the importance of the human factor in the use of such applications. The partnership will design, develop and test an innovative training program facilitated by three tools, the e-Privacing Roadmap, the e-Privacing Guide and the Online Portal.
1/4/2021 - 31/3/2023
eROBSON: The Educational Robotics at Schools Online with Augmented Reality
eROBSON proposes a new approach of delivering laboratory courses. The approach is of low implementation cost, easy to adopt and has a zero risk of transmitting COVID19 or other viruses. The approach suggests using Augmented Reality to simulate the necessary lab equipment and the hands-on interaction with it. Augmented Reality is a technology that enhances human perception with additional, computer-generated sensorial input to create a new user experience. The project develops a professional community in the intersection of Educational Robotics and Augmented reality.
1/4/2021 - 31/12/2023
The DexterLab aims to provide DIY experiments for sustaining science education in distant learning environments during the COVID-19 crisis. Due to the pandemic crisis, most countries have turned to distance learning as a means of continuing education services. For educators, this situation requires to perform a complex, adaptive and transformative challenge, one for which there is no preconfigured guidance to appropriately implement continuous activities. Hence, the teachers and education leaders must swiftly design responses as the pandemic runs its course. In this context, maintaining experimental learning while not creating new difficulties and inequalities in reaching and understanding STEAM contents is a priority.
1/4/2021 - 31/3/2023
The activities that enrich the teaching quiver of a creative and innovative school also determine its stigma in its educational perspective. A rich set of educational practices aims to empower the classroom of tomorrow that integrates the Arts into a coherent methodology focusing on entrepreneurial thinking and design in problem solving. A creative and innovative school participates in the vision of STEAM IDEAS' square, a common meeting place for schools where Theatre can converse with Science, Music with sound and digital storytelling. The project helped teachers take the next step by transforming the school into an outward-looking STEAM innovation hub.
1/3/2021 - 28/2/2023
SAILS: Safe & Autonomous Internet-based Learning Strategies
The current greatest health crisis has radically changed the way we relate to each other. Face-to-face interaction has been reduced massively and it is increasingly common to communicate, learn and teach through a screen. In this rough sea, we aim to provide clear guidelines for “sailors” to deploy or retract their “sails” when necessary. The aim of this project is to provide students, teachers, schools leaders and families with tools to make appropriate decisions in learning, communication and socialising online. The SAILS project will develop a fictitious social network in to order to explore potentially dangerous scenarios. This network will be used as a social sandbox where different automated profiles (social bots) will behave inappropriately and interact with fictitious profiles created by the students. Through the interaction with these social bots, we aim to empower students to understand which behaviors are inappropriate or unsafe. For more information visit: https://sailsproject.eu/
1/3/2021 - 28/2/2023
IPinSTEAM - Empowering innovation in STE(A)M through IP awareness
The IPinSTEAM project aims at promoting Intellectual Property (IP) related concepts and practices in schools and more specifically in STEAM education in order to generate awareness about them across European educational institutions. The project develops an innovative ICT-enabled training package focused on the needs of primary and secondary school teachers to facilitate the incorporation and integration of IP concepts into STEAM curricula. Increasing IP awareness and incorporation in STEAM related subjects of school curriculum can foster and protect all forms of creativity from innovation to invention and discovery.
1/11/2020 - 31/10/2022
Schools Go Green
The SchoolsGoGreen project is in alignment with the 2019 EU GREEN DEAL Recommendation of the European Commission which encourages member states to uptake the challenge for a green transformation and transition towards a greener and healthier planet. Nowadays, solving ecological problems requires increase of peoplesΆ awareness, attitudes, and knowledge about these issues. The project aims to promote a Green Oriented Framework to complement the 8 key competences, which will be related to the promotion of generic green skills. The project will also provide a complete Tool Kit with a Green Educational Pack promoting related knowledge, abilities, values, and attitudes needed to live in sustainable communities, new multi-media material, assessment procedures through the Open Badges and innovative activities for children, such as the Go Green Homes, Go Green Mummies, Be My Green Model etc. The goals behind the project were based on the need to increase the interest and knowledge in the school community for: i) helping and supporting primary children and primary school teachers in creating their own Whole School Green Policy, ii) promoting an environmentally friendly mind-set that could contribute towards the protection of the environment and prevent climate change, iii) equipping pupils from a very young age with knowledge and competences to address environmental issues and challenges that affect their communities and finally, iv) upgrading teachersΆ skills, as well as enhancing their teaching methodologies and tools so that they can contribute to the protection of the environment.
1/10/2020 - 31/3/2023
Adventure in AI - Developing Children’s AI Literacy (2ΑΙ)
The project “Adventure in AI” uses a gamified approach to increase children’s AI literacy, raise awareness and equip educators with appropriate knowledge to address AI topics in the classroom and in other settings. The digital game will be a learning resource providing meaningful context in which children, with the aid of educators or in a self-directed mode, may learn about AI in a safe and playful environment. It promotes a basic understanding of what AI is, the language surrounding the technological and social aspects of AI, how AI works and how it is currently playing a role in our daily lives (and children’s lives in particular), the risks and opportunities AI bares and AI’s potential impact in jobs and other areas of society. During the project, gamified workshops will be developed for educators and children around the AI topic.
1/9/2020 - 31/8/2023
ASSESS -Empowering Teachers to Design Innovative Assessment Tools in a Digital Era
Why do we assess our students? What added value does this assessment bring to both students and teachers? Can we use assessment to stimulate cognitive, social and emotional development? Can assessment become a powerful tool for the development of students¶ skills and teachers¶ practice?
ASSESS is a project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Agency of the European Union that targets these and many more questions about assessment with the goal of creating a powerful assessment framework for teachers and students.
The project offers teachers a toolkit of digital and analogue tools to assess students in an innovative way and a digital app that aggregates these tools. Teachers will also find an online course that will teach them not only how to use the ASSESS tools, but also how to design and create their own innovative assessment tools.
1/9/2020 - 31/8/2023
DiSTARS - Students as Digital Storytellers: a STEAM approach to Space Exploration
DiSTARS aims to test a synchronised integration of Art and STEM in the primary curriculum, simulating the ways in which subjects naturally connect in the real world. Combining scientific inquiry with artistic expression (e.g. visual and performing arts), storytelling, and by using existing digital tools (such as the DiSTARS storytelling platform) along with AR and VR technology, the project aims to capture the imagination of young students and provide them with one of their early opportunities for digital creative expression.
1/9/2020 - 31/8/2023
The main goal is to enable schools, in particular teachers, parents and pupils, to participate in high quality citizen science projects in both curricular and extracurricular contexts. Citizen Science in education has the goal to involve citizens in different types of science projects, in particular to 1) improve engagement and 2) to increase research capacities, e.g. by shared data collection. Even though the European Association for Citizen Science has clear guidelines and support mechanisms, many CS projects are not taken seriously. This is the main starting point for the FabCitizen project: We aim at providing tools to increase the quality of CS projects, in particular in schools. For this purpose, we will integrate FabLabs as the main educational environment as they can provide both, technological as well as methodological expertise.
1/9/2020 - 31/8/2023
The FRONTIERS project combines state-of-the-art research in the field of Elementary Particle Physics, Astroparticle Physics, Gravitational Wave Astronomy, Cosmology, Astrophysics, Educational Research and Large-Scale Piloting in order to in order to demonstrate how Nobel Prize winning science can be systematically integrated in the school curriculum. The purpose of this process is to introduce secondary school students to concepts that are very important for our lives and for understanding the Universe in a systematic fashion and to form sturdy connections to the school curricula. At the same time, FRONTIERS supports the training of science educators across Europe in cutting-edge research by leading scientists and aims to contribute in their personal professional development and teacher identity development. The expected outcome of the project is the involvement of teachers in an international community of scientists and teachers to exchange good practices on the FRONTIERS project themes.
1/9/2020 - 31/8/2023
GOSTEAM: Cross-cutting geospatial & environmental STEAM instruments for the new generation
The GOSTEAM project aims to develop educational hands-on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) activities in the fields of Geographic Information Science and Technology, Cartography and Environmental Science for shaping the next generation of geospatially and environmentally aware citizens. Geospatial thinking is a blending of knowledge and skills which supports people in identifying and interpreting location, distance, relationships, orientation, movement, change, patterns, and trends in geo-environmental space. In the era of “digital natives”, open linked data, digital earth, ubiquitous mapping, citizen science, location-based services and geospatial intelligence, a new civil society of Spatial Citizens is emerging, with the perception, consciousness, and ability to understand, map, communicate and design their world. GOSTEAM addresses teachers/educational staff, as well as secondary education students, cultivating studentsΆ cognitive abilities and skills, such as problem-solving and critical thinking, in the interdisciplinary context of environmental literacy and global awareness.
1/9/2020 - 31/8/2023
IMTECH4ED: Immersive Technologies for Education
ImTech4Ed is an Erasmus+ project where researchers, educators, and game design students from Germany, Greece, and Cyprus contribute to design aspects of immersive solutions. ImTech4Ed aims to create interdisciplinary and international collaboration among students, educators, and researchers. It builds on the cooperation among different connected higher education institutions to create quick, student-driven, creative hackathons as initiators for immersive educational technologies to be prototyped.
1/9/2020 - 31/8/2023
Open Teach
The Open Teach project is advancing the research, evaluation, and implementation of quality open education resources and practices, and supporting educators to develop their digital competences profiles. The project offers a platform for teachers with focus on middle and secondary school STEAM subjects. The Open Teach platform offers online Courses with six modules on open education resources (OER) and open education practices (OEP) and enables the collection and assessment of at least 500 Resources (OER) by the Community of Practice (i.e. teachers taking the Courses).
1/9/2020 - 31/8/2023
InNature aims to enhance competences and awareness on biomimicry in the School Community, including students, parents, teachers and directors and Informal Science Education Providers. The InNature Project develops and implements in the classroom, a set of activities related to this approach and events, such as a fair about this thematic in schools using the Biomimicry as an approach This approach defends that sustainable answers to many problems faced today were already developed by nature. This approach defines that many problems solutions can be found through the emulation of nature patterns. The goals behind the project were based on the need to increase the interest and knowledge in the school community in order to: i) reinforce the sustainability principle in schools for the whole school community, ii) develop new teaching resources to be used inside the classroom and outside, iii) reinforce STEAM competences in the school community, iv) learn more about sustainability, v) have access to new and innovative teaching methodologies to apply in schools and finally, vi) to scale up knowledge on nature-based solutions
1/12/2019 - 31/1/2022
rAn: Raising Awareness on Natural Disasters
The rAn project aims at assisting children at primary education to cope with emergencies, by developing a serious game for raising their awareness about natural disasters and emergency preparedness. The main objective of the game will be for the player to survive a disaster and develop a resilient community because of periodic geological hazards. The serious game will be based on a dynamic storyboard supported by interactive elements such as quizzes, puzzles, and mini-games.
15/10/2019 - 14/1/2022
Inclusive environmental STEAM education with Online Labs (InSTEAM)
The InSTEAM project aims to create a series of learning resources that allow for more individualized, inclusive and personalized STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) learning. The goal is to establish pathways for inclusive, innovative and interdisciplinary environmental STEAM education that reduces disparities in access to and engagement with digital STEAM education.InSTEAM will be carried out with partners in Spain, Portugal, Cyprus and Greece, as the approaches and curricula are similarly suited to introduce innovative, digital and inclusive environmental STEAM education. The project will use the highly successful Go-Lab Ecosystem (www.golabz.eu) and its award-winning tools to create a series of inclusive and engaging STEAM lessons, as well as offer guidance to teachers on how to implement, adapt and even create lessons based on the principles of studentsΆ self-regulation, differentiation and other pedagogical principles.
1/10/2019 - 30/9/2021
BRIST: Building Research Infrastructure for School Teachers
BRIST responds to a central question: ‘how do we support teachers to become teacher researchers and evidence-informed practitioners?’ The project is therefore primarily aimed at teachers in the school sector. The project deliverables will enable teachers to access research, academic researchers and teacher researchers; learn how to carry out small scale research; collaborate on and publish research, support teachers as they take part in robust small-scale classroom research.
1/9/2019 - 31/12/2022
Computational Thinking and Acting (CoTA)
The goal of the Computational Thinking and Acting Erasmus+ project is to develop and validate new learning and teaching ICT solutions in Computational Thinking and problem-solving in primary schools. The project will delve into the concept of Physical Computing and provide open learning activities for programming including teacher materials and teacher training. Additionally, the project will develop learning scenarios to incorporate programming across various subjects, along with a competence framework for Physical Computing aligned with the national curricula of Finland, Estonia, Germany, and Greece.
1/9/2019 - 31/8/2022
DOTS: Development of transversal skills in STEM
Pursuing the efficient teaching of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) requires a continuous process of skill acquisition. The transition to becoming an effective professional entails much more than knowledge of content. It requires awareness and an effort to develop key professional skills necessary for success in any chosen career path. Transversal skills are personal competences that improve human performance, facilitate effective interactions, complement the technical requirements necessary to acquire and maintain employment. Teachers should play an important role in teaching and cultivating those transversal competences within the teaching of core subjects. he DOTS project aims at improving transversal skills in STEM through the use of innovative teaching approaches and methodologies. The specific objectives of DOTS are: Development of methods, materials and tools for the supporting of learning and teaching transversal skills; training teachers to implement the developed methods, tools and materials in their teaching practice; Evaluation of the applicability and usefulness of developed methods, tools and materials. For more info, visit https://www.dots-project.eu/
1/9/2019 - 31/8/2022
GSO4SCHOOL created a network of school students and teachers who worked together and developed trans-disciplinary activities in science and arts, based on the already existing initiative the Global Science Opera. “The Global Science Opera for School: Leverage students’ participation and engagement in science through art practices” (GSO4SCHOOL) contributed to the engagement of school students and teachers in a range of cultural, educational and scientific disciplines. GSO4SCHOOL addressed diversity in school education, developing social, civic, inter-cultural competences and media literacy by providing an innovative integrated approach. School students were invited to collaborate, lead and cocreate their own performances from scratch, while investigating specific issues related to science subjects of their curricula.
1/9/2019 - 20/12/2022
LET'S STEAM - An educative platform based on MakeCode, CircuitPython & Scratch for creativity and participatory
The LET’S STEAM project aims to enable teachers to acquire knowledge on how to use programming opportunities to teach sciences in secondary schools students, in a way that code can provide inputs to an interdisciplinary approach of all sciences and art items thanks to creativity rather than focusing on hardware and technological projects. Teachers are still teaching coding with classic methods which are not relevant with the current world and its digital era, and is moreover most of the time adapted to very technical profiles, living some students behind, especially girls in the field of programming. Nowadays, we have to switch from learning how to code as an individual item, to teach what to use code for, to enhance creativity, innovation and promote active pedagogy between courses, between schools and towards the students.
1/9/2019 - 31/8/2022
POLAR STAR: Guiding the way towards STEAM through innovative learning approaches and contemporary science
POLAR STAR aims to bring together state-of-the-art learning pedagogies and combine them with exciting activities that focus on contemporary science, thus helping teachers to introduce STEAM successfully in their class. More specifically, the project team will combine innovative learning techniques like inquiry learning and the design thinking approach into one seamless “STEAM education” methodology. In addition, teachers be introduced the ΅Science as a wholeΆ interdisciplinary approach which facilitate the identification of connections between science disciplines and discover underlying connections between phenomena. Finally, the POLAR STAR overall methodology will be delivered through a set of 10 activities around Space and Arctic research. Both areas are enormously interdisciplinary and exciting for students and thus make ideal vehicles to teach other sciences, very often considered less appealing, showcasing how such fields of research that might seem irrelevant to peopleΆs needs have in fact a great impact on our lives.
1/9/2019 - 30/8/2022
Developing TeachersΆ Soft Skills to enhance their Professionalism and Educational Performance and support Organisational Wellbeing at School
1/9/2019 - 30/9/2020
Τhe project pioneers to develop pilot-test and evaluate a tool kit which will support schools to establish their own digital media literacy action plan in order: a. to empower young students to become responsible, critical, global citizens for the digitalised and connected world we live in, b. to utilise the non-working time of schools in order to set up on-line and in-house digital media literacy labs and observatories, c. to introduce the idea of an interactive assessment tool in the form of a game based on an avatar, d. to strengthen the profiles of teachers and in doing so to upgrade the quality of teaching/ earning services provided in formal schooling, e. to promote whole school approaches towards dealing with cross-sectoral issues.
1/11/2018 - 30/4/2021
RETROSTEM - Fostering STEM through retrogaming consoles
RETROSTEM is a project funded by the Erasmus+ programme. Its main goal and approach is to promote the acquisition of skills of teachers and students in the digital era by developing innovative learning practices supported by a Raspberry Pi based console and DIY electronics kits. This aims to support teachers in delivering subjects extending their present knowledge and enhance their understanding on how to effectively engage students to the learning process of programming concepts and STEM (Science-Technology-Engineering-Mathematics) subjects through hands-on play in a retro design game console and kits
1/10/2018 - 30/9/2020
KROS: Knights for Road Safety
Aim of the project is to bring a change on how road safety programs and initiatives are implemented in schools in Europe, by strengthening the profiles of the teaching profession on road safety issues. Moreover, the project aims to design, develop and validate an innovative professional development program for teachers. KROS will introduce cutting edge technologies in order to accompany the retention of information regarding the subject of road safety. More in particular, the project will use virtual reality technologies so as to introduce attractiveness in the learning process and secondly to improve the quality of the delivery channels of the content.
1/9/2018 - 31/8/2020
SNAC: School Networks Alert Citizens protection
SNAC aims to transform schools in South Eastern Mediterranean basin countries to local hubs of education, innovation and information about earthquakes and disaster prevention and to engage students in real-life projects that are proposing innovative solutions adopted to the local conditions by employing real-problem solving skills, handling and studying situations, and participating in meaningful and motivating science inquiry activities on earthquake disaster prevention and mitigation.
1/9/2018 - 31/8/2020
EUREKA: European Engagement in Kids Achievement
The EUREKA Erasmus+ project will up skill teachers in early identification of the most able students and develop them to create a curriculum fit for purpose. Schools and other education institutions should be ready to create an atmosphere of acceptance, recognition and inspiration for the most able children from any background in any country. This includes knowledge and skills in early identification of the most able child, supporting the child through an appropriate curriculum and involving parents/family in the process of his/her education. The partnership is led by TITAN Partnership Ltd in the UK who lead on Most Able initiatives in a large area of Birmingham. Birmingham City University, a Higher Education establishment in the UK, has significant expertise in teacher development and course design and will contribute this to the EUREKA project, a gap in work in this field to date. Ellinogermaniki Agogi, a school in Greece with a large research and development unit, brings great research and creative skills to the partnership and will use this to help develop significant resources whilst GRETB, through two of its highest achieving secondary schools, will contribute expertise from a highly innovative setting in Ireland. The Eureka Project will develop 2 training courses which will be certified by institutions in the UK and the Czech Republic and these will be delivered to participants. These courses will be transferable to other organisations across Europe through availability on websites and through personal contact. They will be developed through a range of professionals including Higher Education Institutions and Educational Psychological Services who are at the forefront of delivery in their respective countries. They will have a multi-disciplinary focus as a consequence and will be developed through audit and analysis of best practice. The training will include modules on identification and interventions to enable Most Able students to fully realise their potential. Two manuals in addition will be developed by partners on these topics through the exchange of practice at transnational meetings. These manuals will be easy to use and will include case studies in a variety of formats.
1/12/2017 - 31/12/2019
DEMODRAM - Democracy through Drama
The Democracy through Drama Erasmus+ project aims to explore how we can use drama to create democratic spaces and classrooms that are sensitive to young peopleΆs voices and to discover how teachers across Europe might facilitate the conditions for this to occur. The project develops ideas and activities that can be implemented by teachers in their classrooms drawn from two relevant educational tools in the field: Drama in Education (DiE) and Mimesis in Education (MiE). We define Democratic Classrooms as spaces for creativity and imagination, where the childΆs experience is acknowledged, valued, nurtured, encouraged and developed. Democratic classrooms are free and safe spaces within the boundaries of a dramatic frame. Thus, drama is a holding environment to enable this and to facilitate collective decision-making by both young learners and teachers. Moving outside of the dramatic frame, then, allows both teacher and pupils to reflect upon the drama and examine the action. Drama in Education (DiE) is a pedagogical process that offers students the possibility of engaging actively with situations they study and examining them from different perspectives through roles and tasks. Importantly, Drama in Education relies on engaging participants in fiction – fiction that they are creating themselves – and this provides a form of protection, offering an educational, rather than a therapeutic perspective. Drama in Education in this sense creates a space for participants to understand the world in which they live. Mimesis in Education (MiE) builds upon a concept of theatrical training and uses it for pedagogical purposes. The concept of mimesis – transforming and recreating contents as poetry – is suitable for diverse educational contexts and practices. Mimesis and poetry are vectors for building a democratic coexistence, in which each member can truly express oneself and be understood in his/her expression by others.
1/11/2017 - 31/1/2020
IDiverSE: Islands Diversity for Science Education
Islands Diversity for Science aims to integrate science research in classrooms located in Islands across the world, through the Design Thinking methodology. By using a collaborative inquiry approach and an interdisciplinary pedagogical model that integrates art practices like personal geography, students will invest in research that is relevant to their local communities. The final outcome will be in the form of a science trail, open to the local community and visitors, where the major challenges and proposed solutions are presented in an interactive science tour.
1/11/2017 - 30/4/2020
The mission of Scie-Citizens Erasmus+ project is to advance citizen science through knowledge sharing, collaboration, capacity building, and advocacy. The project aims to encourage broad and meaningful participation in citizen science through promoting inclusive and collaborative partnerships and facilitating a community that shares practices, knowledge, and tools to bring recognition to the value and impact of citizen science. The project seeks to create an assessment tool for identifying smart practices using citizen science approaches and collect those practices in a method handbook. The handbook will be a tool-box for trainers, teacher and other facilitators to create innovative and tested instructions all over Europe and across all educational sectors. 70 good practice examples and 7 policy briefs will be published in a comprehensive project eBook. All methods will be documented, collected and published at the end of the project. In order to identify smart practices, the partnership will collect indicators and create an assessment tool. The tool and the method handbook will be open accessible and will be used by institutions from all education sectors in formal and non-formal learning. The project can be understood as a pre-assessment of the needs to create and test European curricula in citizenship building.
1/10/2017 - 30/9/2019
ARTIFEX is an ERASMUS+ project designed to establish a practical European framework for STEM education in innovative out-of-the-classroom learning environments such as Fablabs or Makerspaces. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, thus incorporating science, technology and mathematics. A Fablab or Makerspace is a small-scale workplace where one can manufacture products using modern technologies such as 3D printers and laser cutters. ARTIFEX developed a self-assessment tool for teachers and a series of hands-on workshops, training modules and educational activities for teachers and students.
1/9/2017 - 31/8/2020
CASE project focused on the creative elements in Inquiry Based Science Education as an integral part of such a system, based on a wealth of existing European knowledge. CASE developed training materials aimed at training of primary teachers but also at implementing a wide-spread training approach for teachers, facilitating intake of creative Inquiry Based Science Education practices in primary schools. It also validated and evaluated the project’s approach and disseminated its results to the primary education community. CASE project realized training activities, conferences and training materials that supported teachers to implement the CASE Pilots and become CASE agents in their countries.
1/9/2017 - 31/8/2020
Open School Doors
Open School Doors project aims at reducing disparities in learning outcomes affecting learners from disadvantaged backgrounds focusing on the case of migrant/ refugee parents. The growing presence of migrants'/ refugees' children in the European countries' school systems is one of the most striking demographic and social changes in the past few decades. Due to the high rate of migration, migrant/refugee children constitute critical mass of pupils' population in European societies and have already shifted the demographic decrease into an increase in some European populations. During the lifetime of the project a Training Framework (available at http://openschooldoors.org) targeting migrant / refugee parents has been designed and implemented aiming at their stable and long term engagement in school life.
1/9/2017 - 30/8/2019
The «Protecting Enhancing Participating Educating Informing» project aims to tackle bullying through innovative activities in education, awareness and training addressed to children, educators, teachers, parents and professionals of the private and public sector, in a consolidated effort to set up stronger antibullying activities. The project¶s activities include: a. Production of a video, with the objective to inform and educate on bullying and antibullying activities, b. Teachers' training of primary and secondary schools, at school, c. Production of a Manual on bullying and antibullying activities, d. Production of a video game, d. Webinar to train professionals from schools, social workers on a range of topics related to improving skills and knowledge on bullying and antibullying activities, e. Training for trainers based on manual and training methodology.
1/12/2016 - 30/8/2019
eCrisis: Europe in crisis
The eCrisis project produces an innovative solution for the teaching and learning of crucial 21st century skills relating to conflict resolution, creative thinking and reflective debate, so that Europe¶s children and teenagers can develop into responsible citizens and creative solvers of the unprecedented everyday real-life problems arising in the context of multiple crises that Europe and its school communities are faced with.
1/9/2016 - 31/8/2018
ICAROS - Interdisciplinary and Collaborative themAtic learRning of technOlogy and Science
Project ICAROS (Interdisciplinary and Collaborative themAtic leaRning of technOlogy and Science) aims to promote transnational teacher professional development by the sharing of methodology, best practice, collaborative approaches and results. The partnership is composed of five European secondary schools for students between 15 and 20 years old. The schools are from Greece, Germany, France, Spain and Sweden. The ICAROS project is mainly aimed at enhancing educational practices that will lead to better motivated students with improved study-goal achievements. The assumption is that this can be done through thematic learning with an entrepreneurial learning approach, and student-led knowledge development through experimentation and real-world problem solving. The project nominally centers on the design, development, testing and operation of x-quadrotor drones equipped with cameras and sensors. The project thus makes use of modern technology that captures the imagination of the students, as well as innovative methods spanning over several disciplines, to demonstrate the real-world applicability of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and other related subjects. The project also aims to inspire the students to develop an entrepreneurial approach to science, research and technology and to encourage independent knowledge development.
1/9/2016 - 31/8/2018
PLATON - Promoting innovative Learning Approaches for the Teaching of Natural Sciences
PLATON aspires to provide teachers and school communities with a coherent teachersΆ training framework which will update their current teaching practices. More particularly, PLATON aims to offer an open and innovative training framework to teachers of primary and secondary education which will focus on promoting student-centred teaching approaches as well as a holistic interdisciplinary approach for teaching science in schools based on innovative teaching methods like the ΅Big Ideas of ScienceΆ while also fostering collaboration between teachers of different science disciplines.
1/9/2016 - 31/8/2018
ODL - Open Discovery of STEM Laboratories
ODL (Open Discovery of STEM Laboratories) equips European school teachers to use micro-MOOC (Massive Open Online Content) – an innovative approach for deploying STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) laboratories. By applying these to everyday teaching practices, ODL strengthens the profile of the teaching profession. The project will establish a MOOC platform comprising a collection of micro-MOOCs, learning scenarios, open education resources, and STEM laboratories, embed STEM micro-MOOCs in school curricula, and disseminate micro-MOOCs with STEM labs to a wide range of EU audiences.
1/11/2015 - 1/5/2018
Schools Study Earthquakes
The “Schools Study Earthquakes” (SSE) Erasmus+ project focuses on the study of a physical phenomenon with great societal impact and proposes pedagogical practices based on inquiry-based methods that are more effective in science education. The objective of this combination is on one hand to increase children¶s and students¶ interest in science, on how science is made and how it affects everyday life, and on the other to stimulate teacher motivation on up-taking innovative teaching methods, subjects and practices to enrich and renew the science curriculum. One key objective of the project is to provide increased opportunities for cooperation and collaboration between schools across European countries and encourage relationships between stakeholders of both formal and informal education by establishing a network of schools that will study real data, do real analysis of real seismic activity in real time. The SSE project will enhance secondary science teachers¶ capacity to teach science effectively based on the pedagogical principles of inquiry-based science education while being able to engage students in employing real-problem solving skills, handling and studying situations, and participating in meaningful and motivating science inquiry activities. SSE is carried out by a consortium of educational institutes from five countries across Europe, namely Greece, Italy, Cyprus, Turkey and Bulgaria, all with significant seismic activity. In recognition of the significance of the project objectives and activities in Greece and the neighbour countries, SSE received an honourable distinction by the state according to which the Schools Study Earthquakes activities are under the Auspices of H.E. the President of the Hellenic Republic.
1/9/2015 - 31/8/2018
Managing Social Relations in Schools (@mindset)
The objective of the project is to actively support diversity management within the school environment, in order to better prepare students to become active citizens and conscientious professionals. The project aims at identifying the most common types of diversity in the school environment and develop on one hand the appropriate tools for the teachers to better manage it within the classroom and the school in general, while on the other promote to pupils the issue of diversity and what it entails within society and help them embrace it. The project will facilitate communication between European countries, develop a variety of results to support school teachers and adult education trainers in managing diversity in the classroom and will end up with a diversity management course, a diversity management toolkit and an instructive manual for teachers, all of them also available in an eLearning platform.
1/10/2014 - 30/9/2016
Creativity in Early Years Science Education (CEYS)
The CEYS project will develop a teacher development course and accompanying teaching materials to be used in European teachers' professional development to promote the use of creative approaches in teaching science in preschool and early primary education, in the frame of inquiry-based educational environments. The CEYS approach will involve stakeholder communities and particularly teacher and teacher educators in the iterative process of design and evaluation of these materials ensuring that its outputs are appropriate and immediately usable in the relevant European professional contexts. The overall aim of the CEYS project is to adapt, test, implement and disseminate a new training framework (including an appropriate curriculum, training activities that include good in-school practices, as well as a variety of supporting material) that will support the training of teachers to use creativity and inquiry-based approaches in the teaching of science.
1/9/2014 - 31/8/2017
Schools: Future Labs
The project µSchools: Future Labs' aims to implement a new educational approach where foreign languages (German and Spanish) and science learning are combined, by applying the methodology Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in the 5th and 6th grades of primary education. It will provide a clear picture of existing and potential practices, as well as their implications and related opportunities and challenges.This project is funded by the European programme Erasmus+, is coordinated by the Goethe-Institut Athen and involves schools in Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, and Poland. In order to achieve a successfully integrative approach to learning, the project will propose guidelines, a curriculum and exemplary materials for relevant teacher training in various European contexts. Through a detailed system of method implementation and evaluation, while working with educational experts and dedicated researchers, this project investigates the capacity of success-through bottom-up teaching methodology. The progress of µSchools: Future Labs' is constantly evaluated via annual partner meetings, in which new targets are also set for the following school year.
1/9/2014 - 31/8/2017


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Schoolbooks for the Ministry
Teachers of Ellinogermaniki Agogi have authored the official schoolbooks for Science in the 5th and 6th Grade of Primary School, and for German in High School.
In school year 2006-2007, state-of-the-art, high-standard new school premises for all levels of education started their operation in Pallini.
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