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Europäische & Internationale Projekte

Erasmus + | Forward Looking Projects

AI4EDU: Artificial intelligence in Education
AI4EDU is an Erasmus+ Forward-Looking project which seeks to innovate school education by exploring, implementing and evaluating new research approaches, technologies and applications of AI in Education that will lead to flexible, personalised, engaging and effective ways of teaching and learning, in the context of the increasing challenges created by the digital transformation of education.
1/1/2023 - 31/12/2025
Discovery Space: An AI-enhanced classroom for Deeper Learning in STEM
The Discovery Space project creates an Exploratory Learning Environment (ELE) for STEM courses, having inquiry-based learning at its core. Artificial intelligence (AI) is integrated into the ELE as a tool for the dynamic assessment of students’ problem-solving competence. An AI agent guides the students and provides assistance when needed through simulations, videos, multiple choice questions, etc., which addresses their specific misconceptions. The teacher can monitor the progress of each student individually as well as to know the points in which he/she faces difficulties. Based on the above, the project, by using AI, introduces personalized learning for the courses of natural sciences and mathematics.
1/1/2023 - 31/12/2025
NEB-LAB project capitalizes on five eco-renovation educational buildings projects that are currently in progress. By building on the concept of Open Schooling the selected pilot sites develop concrete and replicable climate action plans to be transformed to innovation hubs in their communities, raising citizen awareness activities to facilitate social innovation, promote education and training for sustainability, conducive to competences and positive behavior for a resource efficient and environmentally respectful energy use. The process is guided and supported the NEB-LAB Chamber of Quality, an innovative partnership scheme that brings together unique expertise (including architects and landscape designers, technology and solutions providers, financial bodies and local stakeholders).
1/1/2023 - 31/12/2025
The Artificial Intelligence-Aware Classroom (AIware)
The main objective of the AIware project is to develop innovative pedagogical solutions in the field of Artificial intelligence and recommend good practices and tools enabling schools and their teachers to implement AI topics into their regular curriculum. The project will create ready-to-use material for schools consisting of a competency framework , learning scenarios for different aspects of AI and a collection of open educational resources. Through this project, teachers’ needs will be identified and a holistic approach will be developed to enable schools to prepare staff and students for the future.
1/1/2023 - 31/12/2026
R4C - Reflecting for Change
Promoting the use of self-reflection tools to support innovation and systemic change in schools. The project Reflecting for Change (R4C) aims at proposing an advanced support framework, as well as a set of core policy recommendations, to schools seeking to introduce a type of holistic change that will ensure a meaningful uptake of sustainable innovation, with an emphasis on achieving improved learning outcomes as set by the Europe 2020 strategy.
1/11/2019 - 31/10/2021


Ellinogermaniki Agogi
Abteilung Forschung & Entwicklung
Europäische & Internationale Projekte
Nationale Projekte
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