In 1961, Sandy Savva, a graduate of the Philosophy Department of the University of Athens, with postgraduate studies in Germany and Italy, along with her brother Dimitrios Panageas founds "Elliniki Agogi", a private school for primary education. The school is housed in a leased two-storey house in Kypseli, and numbers 34 students and 6 teachers.
The school acquires privately-owned premises in Chalandri. The number of students reaches 100.
1969 is a significant turning point of the school's history. The orientation of the school towards the German education is decided upon, the subject of German is introduced to all levels and the school is renamed "Ellinogermaniki Agogi".
Within the scope of the broadest possible education, the school aims, through a series of social and cultural activities, to achieve what is suggested by its very name: a balanced combination of the restless Greek spirit with the German precision.
In 1976 the Nursery School and the Primary School of Ellinogermaniki Agogi is complemented with the establishment of the High School and is completed as an educational organization in 1991 with the operation of the Lyceum. The students of Ellinogermaniki Agogi can currently complete their education in the same school, which offers them, besides their basic training, the systematic teaching of two foreign languages and prepares them for the furthering of their studies either in Greece or abroad.
In 1993 the rapid growth of the High school and Lyceum student population makes the separation of these two levels from Primary school and Kindergarten inevitable. A second educational unit is built in Pallini, Attiki covering an area of 20.000 m2 in total. The new construction is a real architectural breakthrough: 20 modern classrooms with a prospect to be doubled in the near future and finely equipped labs for Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Artwork, Music and Computer studies.
There is also a library, video room, gymnasium, swimming -pool and many outdoor sport facilities and courts. All these enable the students as well as their parents to participate in various cultural, athletic and social activities. There have also been new people backing up the administration of the school since 1993. Mr. Stelios Savvas, mathematician, Ed. M., Columbia University, Dr. Stavros Savvas, physicist, Ph.D. in Science Didactic, and Stavros Panageas, economist, Universitat St. Gallen.
In 1994 Ellinogermaniki Agogi paves the way once more by 'opening a window to the world' as it becomes the first school in our country to provide permanent Internet access. This access to the worldwide net offered to both teachers and students alike, epitomizes the international orientation of the school, as it offers a powerful means of communication and information, which facilitates the co-operation with schools and Universities abroad, within the framework of European and international educational programmes. A far-sighted programme has been fulfilled. From the small leased building in Kypseli a strong educational organization numbering approximately 1500 students, 150 teachers and 90 administration employees has sprung. The school continues its dynamic course. Through its interminable quest and incessant efforts, our school sets and continually conquers new goals as it aims to have a strong voice in the field of educational innovation.
In the school year 1998-99, the school achieves a great accomplishment. Its students, and only they among the students of all Greek schools, are given the possibility to sit the examinations for the German Language Diploma of the Conference of Education Ministers of the Federal Republic of Germany (Sprachdiplom der Kultusministerkonferenz).
This diploma, together with the certificate of completion of studies at the Greek General High School, ensures students' admission to the Higher Education institutions of Germany. Thus the students of the school enjoy a big advantage as their choices for the continuation of their study are increased.
This success constituted a moral victory for the orientation of the school and its methodical and effective teaching of the German language.
In the school year 2001-02 the school has already competed 40 years of continuous operation since its foundation. In a modest ceremony, which personalities from the fields of politics, literature, arts, and sports honour with their presence, the anniversary of 40 years of operation of the school is celebrated. The ceremony is dedicated in memory of the school's founders, Dimitrios Panageas and Sandy Savva, who laid the foundations and determined the objectives for a school that should be warm and humane, of good quality and multifaceted, a school open to challenges and innovation.
School year 2006-2007 constitutes a landmark in the course of the school. For the first time this year all levels of education function in new, unified premises in Pallini. Nursery School and Kindergarten, Primary School, Junior and Senior High School move into new buildings, which welcome young and older students in September 2006.
Σε ανεξάρτητη έκταση 6.000 τ.μ., σε μικρή απόσταση από το κεντρικό κτίριο ένας σύγχρονος παιδότοπος υποδέχεται προνήπια και νήπια. Το Νηπιαγωγείο προσφέρει ένα σχολικό περιβάλλον ζεστό και φιλικό για τα μικρά παιδιά που έρχονται για πρώτη φορά σε επαφή με την ιδέα του σχολείου. Έκτός από τις αίθουσες διδασκαλίας, διαθέτει αίθουσα χορού, εστιατόριο, αίθουσα κουκλοθέατρου και δραματοποίησης, αίθουσα ρυθμικής γυμναστικής και ψυχοκινητικής, ανοιχτό παιδότοπο με παιδική χαρά, υπαίθριο θέατρο και βιότοπο, μικρό εκκλησάκι, κολυμβητήριο ειδικά διαμορφωμένο για μικρά παιδιά.
In 2010 all classrooms get equipped with interactive whiteboards while the educational and teaching material is digitally available to students and staff. Teachers of all grades attend carefully planned educational training programs. The aim is that the teaching staff is supported in their teaching mission and that the educational potential offered by updated educational technology is utilized and that the teaching syllabus is ultimately effectively consolidated by students.
In 2012 the school decides to further support the students of Senior High school by offering a comprehensive programme of additional tutorial classes geared exclusively for the Panhellenic Exams. The students are separated in small groups, receive intensive preparation during not only the school year but during part of the summer vacations period as well and the results are impressive. The passing rate of our students in the Pan Hellenic exams along with the granting of scholarship from DAAD are additional reasons to justify to parents and students their choice of school.
The school goes on dynamically in its course. It constantly and tirelessly seeks educational pioneering initiatives and is open to the challenges and visions of our times. Events, focused on contemporary needs are organized and students get the chance to meet and exchange views with distinguished members of the national political scene, like the President of the European Parliament, the Minister of Foreign affairs of Federal Democratic republic of Germany and the chairman of European Investment Bank.
A long standing progamme is becoming a reality. A multi unit educational institution comprising 2200 students, 235 teaching staff and 330 administration staff has evolved from the small rented building at Kypself which educated 33 students in 1961.
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Schoolbooks for the Ministry
Teachers of Ellinogermaniki Agogi have authored the official schoolbooks for Science in the 5th and 6th Grade of Primary School, and for German in High School. συνέχεια
In school year 2006-2007, state-of-the-art, high-standard new school premises for all levels of education started their operation in Pallini. συνέχεια
Εξετάσεις γερμανικής γλώσσας
Διεξαγωγή εξετάσεων FIT 1 και FIT 2 του Ινστιτούτου Goethe στην Ελληνογερμανική Αγωγή. συνέχεια