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High School - Lyceum

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The ball room
Evelina Georgiou
Class: B Gymnasiou
Giannakouros Alexis, Zafeiri Stella
Class: B lyceum
Awesome Light
Nikolas Patelis
Class: B lyceum
How do we learn
Tzanetopoulou Myrsini, Triantafyllou Nasos
Class: B lyceum
Growth population and insufficiency of food
Vasiliki Viltanioti, Konstantinos Vamvakas
Class: B lyceum
Rodopi Viltanioti, Maria Klidouhaki
Class: B lyceum
Black Feminism
Rodopi Viltanioti, Maria Klidouhaki
Class: B lyceum
Cannabis controversy
Billy Lampropoulos
Class: B lyceum
Third World Kids
Sofia Floraki, Penelope Georgopoulou
Class: B lyceum
Minas Cholevas, Nick Strongylos
Class: A Lyceum
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Ellinogermaniki Agogi
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High School-Lyceum
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Schoolbooks for the Ministry
Teachers of Ellinogermaniki Agogi have authored the official schoolbooks for Science in the 5th and 6th Grade of Primary School, and for German in High School.
In school year 2006-2007, state-of-the-art, high-standard new school premises for all levels of education started their operation in Pallini.
Εξετάσεις γερμανικής γλώσσας
Διεξαγωγή εξετάσεων
FIT 1 και FIT 2
του Ινστιτούτου Goethe στην Ελληνογερμανική Αγωγή.