pendulum is a suitable exhibit for teaching circular motion
and the properties of pendulums to students. In this section
a list of questions and exercises is proposed aiming at facilitating
teachers evaluate the knowledge their students have acquired.
If the length
of the pendulum is changed, would that change its period?
If the amplitude
of the oscillation is changed, would that change its period?
If the mass
of the bob was greater, would that change its period?
Given that
the acceleration of gravity is g=9,81m/s2, how can we
calculate the length of the pendulum using a stop watch?
How long would
it take for the pendulum to knock down all the pins underneath
it had it been located in the equator?
Given that
the length of the pendulum is =7,8 meters can we calculate
the acceleration of gravity at the latitude of Pallini?
Can you calculate
the latitude at Pallini using the pendulum alone, without
a GPS?
What would
the changes in the pendulum's period be had the pendulum
been located in Moon instead of Earth (The length of the
pendulum remains the same)?
How long would
it take for the pendulum to knock down all the pins underneath
it had it been located in the North Pole?
1What are the
different kinds of motion around the earth's axis?
Why does the
pendulum demonstrate the rotation of the earth?
How long would
it take for the plane to make a complete round if the
pendulum was located at the North Pole and on the equator
Given that the
Earth's period is T⊕ = 23h 56' calculate Earth's angular velocity (ω)
Given that
Paris' latitude is 48° 48', how long would it take
for the plane to make a complete round? Why is it not
24 hours?
Given that a
pendulum located in San Francisco makes a revolution within
39,18 hours, what is the latitude of the city?
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